# Automatic classification # EXERCISE: Basic classification The file you need is in the basic-classification folder. Follow the instructions below. This example introduces 'defined classes' and automatic classification. The example involves classification of different ubiquitin ligase complexes. It is based on a subset of the gene ontology (GO) [http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/go.owl](http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/go.owl) with some classes removed for teaching purposes. Constructs: - and (intersection) - equivalence (logical definitions) - existential restrictions (e.g. part\_of some) Background knowledge for non-GO people: GO includes pre-composed grouping classes such as 'chromosomal part' and 'nuclear part'. **PART 1: Adding classes and automatically classifying them** 1. Open basic-classification/ubiq-ligase-complex.owl 2. Navigate to 'ubiquitin ligase complex' 3. Add a subclass of 'ubiquitin ligase complex' called 'cytoplasmic ubiquitin ligase complex' 1. NOTE: do this \*directly\* under the 'ubiquitin ligase complex' class, don't move things around! 2. NOTE: this class already exists in the main GO, but it has been removed for this tutorial example 4. Give it a logical definition (equivalence axiom) ![](./media/Figure74.png) 1. Synchronize the reasoner 2. Find the class you made under 'Class hierarchy (inferred)' 3. You should see 'cytoplasmic part' is now inferred to be a parent class of 'cytoplasmic ubiquitin ligase complex'. ![](./media/Figure75.png) **PART 2: Another example** 1. Do the same for 'nuclear ubiquitin ligase complex' – create the class and add the equivalence axiom. 2. Synchronize the reasoner. 3. You should see 'nuclear ubiquitin ligase complex' is inferred to be a child of 'nuclear part'. **BONUS:** 1. Remove the classes you have created. 2. Find all 'ubiquitin ligase complex' classes whose instances are in a nucleus in the DL query tab 3. Make the class directly from here ![](./media/Figure76.png)